Advocacy & Generation of Promise

التركيز: تدعو HOPE إلى تغيير الأنظمة ، وتستفيد من قيادة المجتمع ، وتضفر المساواة العرقية في كل ما تفعله.

فتاة صغيرة تبتسم مع التركيز علامة الأمل

Advocacy Highlight

نوفمبر 5 is Election Day, and your voice needs to be heard now more than ever. Here are a few ways to ensure your vote is cast on or before الثلاثاء, نوفمبر 5 for the 2024 Election.


  • Check your registration or register to vote
  • Create a voting plan
    • Will you vote in-person during the early voting period (السبت, أكتوبر 26-الأحد, نوفمبر 3)
    • Absentee voting
    • Absentee voting in-person, available at your local clerk’s office
    • In-person on الثلاثاء, نوفمبر
  • Research candidates to make sure you are ready to choose the candidate to best represent your beliefs and needs
  • Encourage your friends and family to let their voice be heard and vote! Assist them in creating their voting plan, go to the polls together, drop off ballots together etc.


For more voting information in Michigan please visit:

For more information on creating your voting plan and general election information visit:

جيل الوعد

Generation of Promise is a flagship youth leadership program offered by Focus: HOPE non-profit organization that empowers high school juniors from diverse backgrounds across metropolitan Detroit to become advocates for equity and social change. Through immersive experiences in advocacy, equity discussions, and community engagements, participants uncover their own biases, challenge stereotypes, and forge lasting connections, preparing the next generation of leaders to drive positive transformation in their communities.

Benefits of Generation of Promise

  • Leadership Development
  • Increased Awareness
  • Community Engagement
  • Lifelong Connections

"All the activities and events we take part in, the discussions and speakers are all fun, interesting and provide me with new knowledge."

Generation of Promise Student, Class 33

Gallery Heading

القيادة الشبابية:
جيل من الوعد

جيل الوعد هو برنامج الشباب الرئيسي للعدالة الاجتماعية في مترو ديترويت.

إنه برنامج للمدارس الثانوية يدعم جيلا جديدا من القادة الذين يعززون المساواة العرقية في جنوب شرق ميشيغان من خلال تطوير الخبرة في القضايا الرئيسية ، وإقامة صداقات عبر العرق والثقافة وقيادة جهود التنظيم والدعوة.

Focus: HOPE’s Generation of Promise is a flagship youth leadership program that empowers high schoolers from diverse backgrounds across metropolitan Detroit to become advocates for equity and social change. 

التعليم المبكر


Total Early Head Start Programming Hours


Students enrolled in our Early Head Start Program


Total Head Start Programming Hours


الطلاب المسجلين في برنامج السبق

* All statistics are from calendar year 2023

تطوير القوى العاملة والتعليم


الطلاب المسجلون


2023 Economic Impact: $8,591,422,36

الغذاء لكبار السن


Distribution Sites


Seniors served through our program