World Social Justice Day 2023

World Social Justice Day 2023

In 2007, February 20 was declared World Social Justice Day by The United Nations General Assembly. This day was created as declaration and in observation of the work across the world that focuses in on equitable and fair opportunities for everyone. Before we get into what social justice means to us here at Focus: HOPE and our work, let’s take a look what Britannica defines social justice as.

The definition of Social Justice, as found on Britannica, is as follows:

social justice, in contemporary politics, social science, and political philosophy, the fair treatment and equitable status of all individuals and social groups within a state or society. The term also is used to refer to social, political, and economic institutions, laws, or policies that collectively afford such fairness and equity and is commonly applied to movements that seek fairness, equity, inclusion, self-determination, or other goals for currently or historically oppressed, exploited, or marginalized populations.” 

For 55 years, social justice and civil rights has been in the forefront of everything Focus: HOPE represents and does each and every day. Every day our colleagues come in with a social justice mind and grit to continue our mission’s growth and expansion. So we decided to pose the question to our colleagues in honor of World Social Justice Day. Here’s what a few colleagues had to say…

When Ashliegh M, our Corporate Philanthropy Officer, thinks of social justice a quote from Angela Davis comes to mind. “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” One of our Job Training instructors, Bernard T, defines it as “ the social, political, and economic security of every human being.” Our Marketing Manager, Christian H, thinks of social justice as “When I think of social justice, I think of the fight for equality and equity for everyone.” While social justice for another Focus: HOPE colleague means “having affordable housing, food, access to medical insurance and other necessities at an affordable cost.” World Social Justice Day might just recognized on February 20, but our fight for social justice and our rights is an everyday. Watch what social justice means for more Focus: HOPE colleagues below:


Portia Roberson, President & CEO

Rachel Sherman-Guastella, Volunteer Manager

Jasahn Larsosa, Director of Advocacy, Equity and Community Engagement


Kartya Thomas, HR Director


Now, let’s go take on the world! 

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